Setup and Configuration
Step 1: Define Matchmaking Rules
You’ll need to define rules to determine how players are matched in your game. Rules are created using a configuration file in JSON format. Make sure to save the file as matchmaker.json
or something similar.
Here is an example:
Updated Example at : (opens in a new tab)
In this example, we have taken some variables which are used to match players together. Here is a brief explanation of each variable:
ensures four players are matched together.elo_rating
restricts matches to players with similar skill levels.latency
ensures players with low ping differences are paired for better
are the name and version of your application that will be used to identify the server to be used for the match. More information can be found here (opens in a new tab).
Step 2: Create a Matchmaker Instance
To get started, you will need to create a matchmaker instance through Edgegap’s web dashboard. You can access it here (opens in a new tab).
- Navigate to the Matchmaker Management section.
- Press on the “Create Matchmaker” button.
- Now enter the Name and the select the configuration file you created in Step 1.
Incase the application info is wrong, you will see a warning message.
Press on Create and Release to create the matchmaker instance.
After the matchmaker is created and released (you will see a green icon), copy the API URL which will be used in your game client to connect to the matchmaker.
Step 3 (Optional): Expansions for Queue Optimization
To prevent players from waiting too long, you can set up rule expansions that broaden the matchmaking criteria over time.
For instance:
After 10 seconds, increase the allowed Elo difference and latency threshold. After 30 seconds, decrease the match_size target, allowing smaller groups to be formed.